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TACA Education Resources


For additional information on TACA Education items, please contact: 

  • A Tax Assessor-Collector must complete the following education requirements within 90 days of taking office. Section 6.231 Texas Property Tax Code



    If the Tax Assessor-Collectors assesses or collects property taxes, they must successfully complete at least 40 hours of continuing education courses on the assessment and collection of property taxes, including Course 28 (Truth in Taxation), not later than the first anniversary of the date on which the county assessor-collector first took office. 

  • A Tax Assessor-Collector must successfully complete 20 hours of continuing education before each anniversary of the date on which the county assessor-collector takes office. If the assessor-collector collects property taxes, then the continuing education must include at least 10 hours of instructions on laws relating to the assessment and collection of property taxes.

    The Tax Assessor-Collector must file an annual continuing education transcript with the commissioners court of the county in which they hold office.

    A Deputy is required to earn 10 CEs (Continuing Education Hours) annually in order to maintain a CTOP or PCC designation. A Deputy is required to earn 20 CEs annually in order to maintain a PCAC designation.

    • My CE Hours

      The link above has instructions and a video explaining how to access and download your transcripts.

      Note: See Section 6.231 Texas Property Tax code for a full description of the Continuing Education requirements.

    • Follow these steps to request CE's

      1. Develop a timed agenda that shows the session names and speakers

      2. Complete the CE Request Form

      3. Submit request form and timed agenda to the Education Coordinator at least 21 days prior to your meeting

      4. Host your meeting using the roster provided by the TACA Education Coordinator and submit the completed roster within a few days after the meeting for proper credit

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