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Tax Assessor-Collector Association of Texas Code of Ethics


Public servants have a responsibility to the people of Texas to perform their duties with the highest ethical
standards. The Tax Assessor Collectors Association of Texas has adopted this Code of Ethics to guide
the conduct of its members in ensuring the public recognizes local tax offices operate under the highest
ethical standards.

Adhering to these standards gives citizens and taxpayers confidence that governmental officials and
employees are working for the benefit of the public. It will also assure the commissioners court and
county auditor that the county tax office conforms to objective standards.

The County Tax Assessor-Collector is a constitutional officer mandated by the Texas Constitution,
elected by and directly responsible to the people. Association members shall conduct themselves in a
way that reflects favorably on themselves, their counties, and their profession while avoiding any actions
that could discredit themselves or these entities.

As members of the professional association, demonstrate your commitment to the core values of integrity,
fairness, openness, and respect by:

1. Performing duties in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
2. Applying rules without favoritism or prejudice.
3. Performing assignments to the best of your ability.
4. Providing accurate, complete information in a timely manner.
5. Basing decisions on accurate, reliable, and timely fashion.
6. Being open, courteous, and respectful when dealing with the public.
7. Deciding all matters on values that are free of conflicts of interest and improper encouragement.
8. Fully disclose any real or potential conflicts of interest.
9. Refraining from accepting any benefit or honorarium that could reasonably be regarded as a financial gain or advantage.
10. Never soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept any benefit for having exercised official powers
or performed official duties in favor of another, except for payments for travel expenses in
connection with a conference, or honoraria for services that were not requested because of the
official’s status.
11. Never accepting or soliciting any gift, favor, or service that might reasonably influence the
discharge of official duties, or that you know, or should know, is being offered with the intent to
influence your official conduct.
12. Never disclosing confidential information acquired by virtue of your official position that would
help in any type of business transaction or be used for a nongovernmental purpose with the intent
to benefit or harm another. Do not accept other employment or compensation that would involve
disclosing confidential information acquired via the official position.
13. Not making personal investments that could reasonably be expected to create a substantial
conflict between the official’s private interest and the public interest.

Mandated by the Tax Assessor-Collectors Association of Texas in January 2014
Download and print this form here: TACA Code of Ethics

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